Here an old Rockman aficionado from Spain, trying to reconnect with all this gear.
I’ve always been interested in the SR&D approach to combos. Ok, I know the “no amp, no cab, no mikes” original mantra, but I still think a combo is an immensely more apt practice device than a headphone amp and sometimes (as soon as you maintain the basic Rockman ability to send a direct full processed signal to de mixboard) can also serve as a head.
In fact, I think the idea was successfully developed by Gallien Krueger with the 250ML combos (designed just a year after the first Rockman headphone release), and, to my known, even RS&D released 4 combos:
- The XP100
- The XP212
- The A12-50
- The Sustainor X-12
I’ve found plenty of info about all of them except for the Sustainor X-12. ¿Do you know something about it?
The only images I’ve found are these:
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Welcome to the forum. Thanks for joining us. I think you are right about the Rockman combos. The X-12 certainly is a little known device among the Rockman gear. It has a great feature list. I've never seen one for sale though.
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I doubt it was ever produced.... most likely marketing material designed to test the interest level if they were to design and built it.