Packaging a Sustainor like a MXR Bass D.I.+ (M80)

Equipment made by Dunlop Manufacturing including Rockman, MXR, Cry Baby, Way Huge Electronics, etc.
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Packaging a Sustainor like a MXR Bass D.I.+ (M80)

Post by rbc »

I don't know if we will ever see it, but I'd love to see a Sustainor inspired pedal like the MXR Bass D.I.+ (M80). Powering the pedal off XLR phantom power is really cool. Having a balanced connection to the board is another plus. Maybe have both pre and post distortion effects loops? Another thing that comes to mind is having the "Sustainor" pedal provide power to other pedals.
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Re: Packaging a Sustainor like a MXR Bass D.I.+ (M80)

Post by GuitarBuilder »

I'll bet it will work just fine for guitar as well.
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Re: Packaging a Sustainor like a MXR Bass D.I.+ (M80)

Post by rbc »

GuitarBuilder wrote:I'll bet it will work just fine for guitar as well.
My guess is the EQ would have to be worked on a little bit for it to sound ok. I plugged my guitar into my Bass Ace and it didn't sound all that great. But on the other hand, I don't know how much difference there is between typical Guitar and Bass amps flat EQ settings. It could be a little or a lot.